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Piscataway Republicans


Piscataway Republicans 
Are Ready to Serve.

Get Inspired. Stay informed.
Finally, the change we've all been hoping for.

Piscataway Residents who are Ready for a Change, Tired of the Crowded Schools, Higher Property Taxes, Lethargic Leadership, and
Years of Corruption
... It's time to pull together


Bill Mikita with Jack Ciattarelli, Brian Levine and Ed Durr are excited for the towns' future thanks to the Piscataway Republican Party

  • Lower Property Taxes

  • Activate Term Limits

  • End of Piscatawarehouse

  • Install We The People Goverment

  • We're Building Our Team...

    Big Changes Coming for Piscataway!

    WE THE PEOPLE Deserve to be heard!

    We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

    Vote For Change

    If you can suspend your party line beliefs and vote with your heart in every election, we can come together for the greater good. We the people need to take back the decision making for this great town.  Twenty years of favors owed is enough. It's time we take control of our future starting today!

    Your Voice is the Key

    Each one of us has a right to be heard. Piscataway needs leaders with integrity and action without rhetoric. The public trust is something you earn by your actions not given just because of an oath of office. Our citizens are looking for thier taxes to go down, open space to be opened, ordinances followed and Pway Proud to return.

    Join The Movement

    We are tired of sitting back and complaining. It is time to put party lines aside and join together to control the direction our beautiful town is heading... BEFORE it's too late. The OLD Piscataway is disappearing. If you think it's unfair that 5 or 6 people are making every decision without input an bill you for it (taxes) ... WELCOME.


    Wondering How The WE THE PEOPLE Solution Works?
    Here Is A Quick Look

    We begin with the roots of this great town... What made Piscataway a great town? If you answered leadership... you're dead wrong! It's the people, the families, the teachers, coaches and most of all the tradition of neighborhoods. If we're not careful, the politicians will continue to drive people away with their political decisions that continue to line the pockets of their loyalists and lobbyists, while WE THE PEOPLE watch our property taxes double like our rush hour traffic.

         No One Should Ever Cast a Vote Before they Watch This Video... TWICE

    Table of Contents: 
     0:00 Choose My Own Words
    We Haven't Balanced Our Budget

    3:28 Government is Beholden to The People

    8:26 The Assault on Freedom Carries On

    12:37 What Are We Doing to Those We Seek to Help?

    17:50 No Government Ever Voluntarily Reduces Itself

    20:47 Democratic Opponents Seem Unwilling to Debate

    23:55 Perhaps There Is a Simple Answer

    27:17 You And I Have a Rendezvous With Destiny

    Vote Red! Column A

       Here are some of the conversations you'll see from your neighbors on Facebook groups:

    The 3 Best Features of Piscataway Republican Organiztion That Makes It an Awesome Solution for Our Community

    It's All About You!

    Republican leaders,

    Welcome to the official website of the Republican Party of Piscataway NJ. We are hard at work and are committed to electing Republicans in the State of New Jersey! To that end, we know that Middlesex County is critical to sending a Republican to the Governor’s Mansion and retaking the House and Senate. We are going to win – but we can’t do it without your help. Get involved, contribute, and join us today as we Make Piscataway RED Again!

    Bill Mikita

    Chairman, Republican Party of Piscataway Township


    Lower Property Taxes.
    It's Becoming Too Expensive To Live in Piscataway

    Empty office buildings ALL OVER Piscataway. Companies have been relocating from this town for the last 15 years. The administration's solution; build warehouses, condos and raise property taxes... Don't get us started on over-reach and eminent domain.

    Term Limits.
    Life-time Politicians ALWAYS Leads to Corruption

    Favors owed, Nepotism, Cover-ups, Fear Management... You see, politicians make promises, negotiate for votes, beg for donations, and hire their friends and relatives. The longer they're in the office the more people they owe. Paying them back is ALWAYS on the taxpayers.

    It's time to get em out. If you can't name their election promises... They had NO PLAN... time to move them aside!

    Click to Become Part of the Team

    "Republicans believe every day is the Fourth of July, but the Democrats believe every day is April 15."

    ~ #theRIGHTchoice   #walkaway  #votered

    PRO vs Dems Common Sense Choices
    (if we're given a choice)

    In this section describe the Pro and Cons of the product that give your readers the clarity on whether this is a product suitable for them or not

    For Residents Who Believe

    Good Enough Is Good Enough ... vote democrat

    DEM Problem #1 - Property Taxes

    Write something here that mentions a feature of the product that your audience is looking for. You can elaborate a bit about this specific feature and tell your audience how it is going to help them.

    DEM Problem #2 - Too many warehouses!

    Write something here that mentions a feature of the product that your audience is looking for. You can elaborate a bit about this specific feature and tell your audience how it is going to help them.

    DEM Problem #3 - Lethargic Leadership

    Write something here that mentions a feature of the product that your audience is looking for. You can elaborate a bit about this specific feature and tell your audience how it is going to help them.

    DEM Problem #4 - Corruption

    Write something here that mentions a feature of the product that your audience is looking for. You can elaborate a bit about this specific feature and tell your audience how it is going to help them.

    For Residents Whe Deserve Better
    Better Is Better ... vote republican

    PRO Solution #1

    Write something here that mentions something that might be not present in the product. You can utilize this refine the audience who are more interested in the product.

    PRO Solution #2

    Write something here that mentions something that might be not present in the product. You can utilize this refine the audience who are more interested in the product.

    PRO Solution #3

    Write something here that mentions something that might be not present in the product. You can utilize this refine the audience who are more interested in the product.

    PRO Solution #4

    Write something here that mentions something that might be not present in the product. You can utilize this refine the audience who are more interested in the product.

    Common Sense Works For Every Decision





    Health & Fitness

    Raising Kids



    Frequently Asked Questions About Piscataway Republican Party

    What is the mission of the PRO?

    Our mission is to shift the power from the political machine back to the people of Piscataway.  We want to see everyone of voter age come out and vote this year. I see who you vote for secondary to casting your vote. it's more important than ever for people to realize that their voice matters, their opinion matters and most of all their vote matters. 

    This mayor and his inner circle have been sitting in power for one reason, the people don't believe their vote matters so they don't bother showing up. this year we're going to change that. We would love to see non registered voters come out and register . We want to see the 18 and 19 year old’s cast their ballot with pride…
    We want to see the longtime residents of Piscataway get involved and make their selections…If you need help registering or changing parties please click the links on this page and drop your name in the box.  For more information and get involved at any level. here's to hopes for the largest turn out in the history of Piscataway!

    What if I'm Not Registered as a Republican?

    You may vote for whom ever you want on Nov 7th. You can only particpate in the primary of the party you are registered with. If you'd like to change your party before then... go here and get the change form https://www.nj.gov/state/elections/voter-party-affiliation-declaration.shtml

    How Can I Help?

    1. VOTE - Don't skip your vote. This election will be decided by a small amount. Be heard. 2. VOLUNTEER - Send us an email and join us. This is your town. Let's lock arms and make it better. 3. VOICE your concerns, opinions and appreciations. Explain in depth the question.Unlike the current administration, we understand comunication must be a two-way street to be effective... Let's have a conversation:  https://www.facebook.com/PiscatawayRepublicans

    Why Has This Current Administration Been in for 20 Years?

    People used to believe 'Good Enough' was Good Enough. Until NOW!

    This voting season in Piscataway, the margin between victory and defeat is small. Every vote counts. We need to stay involved and hold our government accountable by our power to vote. Term Limits Work Too!


    Piscataway needs leaders with integrity and action without rhetoric. The public trust is something you earn by your actions not given just because of an oath of office. Our citizens our looking for lower taxes, open space opened, warehouse building and truck traffic eliminated, ordinances followed, transparent leadership and our Piscataway quality of life to return to the better years.  


    The Piscataway Republicans are listening and ready to deliver our best.  

    As Republicans in Piscataway we make it our mission to work for the betterment of our town. Our goal is for Piscataway to have effective and efficient government and to improve the quality of life for all Piscataway residents not just the chosen few. Please get involved. Our meetings are the 1st Thursday of every month, 7:30 at the Spain Inn. Please come. Your input is appreciated and welcome.

    Explain in depth the question. Make sure that the explanation clearly answers the objections that visitor has on their mind. The frequently asked questions section is a great way to clear up any objections that the buyer might have and push then a step ahead to make that purchase.

    What Ward & District Am I In to Vote?

    Middlesex County Board of Elections’ Drop Boxes and 4 Polling Locations in Piscataway

    Ward 1 - 4 voters – What Location Do I Vote At?

    Voters can only go to the polling site assigned to the ward where they live. Voting machines will only be in use for disabled persons

    Piscataway voters are reminded to call the County Clerk’s Office if they have not received a mail-in ballot.

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